Welcome to

The Digital Literacy Hub

Imagine one platform where you are guided to explore opportunities on the online space in the digital world, where you can make residual returns and streams to obtain freedom as far as your financial status is concerned.

Join the KMMI Academy

Kingdom Marketplace Missionaries Incorporated (KMMI) Academy, a subsidiary of BUILDRIGHT FOUNDATION GLOBAL (BGF) registered UNDER THE GHANA REGISTRATION ACTS as a Non-Governmental and Private Organization.

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we provide these services

Autotrader Bots

we help you acquire profitable bots with high efficient AI systems and algorithms ...

Acc. Management

We take over your digital assets with any broker and manage for you at affordable profit sharing rewards.

Profitable Portfolios

There are many protocols that we can help you get involved to make good passive streams of returns.

Copy Trading

We give you access to copytrade on the digital opportunities that make you gain profits.

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Find the Data and

Resources you need

One of the benefits our members get from us is the accurate crypto and forex data for trading. 

Our Experts provide you with all the resources you need to be successful in all your trades.

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Know What We Do

Our Mission

Creating the Future

of Finance Today

Nunc suscipit cras nibh vel nisi imperdiet convallis leo cubilia  sollicitudin, urna curae integer  condimentum velit semper mattis aenean montes.

Imper accumsan nisi etiam nibh eget curabitur aliquam  duis in praesent, facilisis venenatis orci taciti lobortis vestibulum vivamus eleifend.

Currencies Available
0 +
Verified Users
0 M
volume Traded
$ 0 M
Countries Supported
0 +

Registration Form

"*" indicates required fields

What is your background in Forex,Cryptos and Digital Trading?*
Choose your preferred option*
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